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AAA: Average active sessions
AAID: Android Advertising IDentity
AARRR: Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue, Referral
ABC: Always Be Closing
ABM: Account Based Marketing
ABT: AB testing
ACSEL: Association pour commerce et services en ligne (ADEN: Association De l’Économie Numérique)
ADEX: Ad Exchange plateform
AdTech: Advertising Technology (cf. MarTech)
ADX: Google DoubleClic Ad Exchange plateform
AIDA: Attention Interest Desire Action “First Purchase Funnel”
AMA: Ask Me Anything
AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages de Google
APP: Application (a program designed to run on mobile devices)
API: Application program interface (cf. MtoM)
AR: Augmented Reality (ou RA)
ARPU: Average revenu per user
ARR: average recurring revenu (or annual)
ASO: App Store Optimization (cf. Search)
ASF: Apache Software Foundation
ASP: Application service provider
AssurTech cf. insurtech
AtAwAd: Anytime Anywhere Anydevice
AtAwAdAc: AtAwAd + AnyContent
ATF: Above the fold (au dessus du pli, donc visible ; cf. BTF)
ATL: above the line (cf. BTL & media)
AWD: Adaptive web design (cf. RWD)
BAT(X): Baidu Alibaba Tencent Xiaomi (vs. GAFA)
BANT formula: Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline (developed by IBM)
BAU: Business As Usual
BI: Business Intelligence
BMG: Business Model Generation by Alex Osterwalder
BOB: Best of Breed
BOFU: Bottom Of Funnel (cf. ToFu)
BPM: Business Process Management
BR: bounce rate (visite limitée à une seule page ou non réception d’un email)
BRICS: 5 countries competing with Triade and N-11
BTC: BitCoin (XBT)
BTF: Below the fold (en dessous du pli, donc invisible ; cf. ATF)
BTL: below the line (cf. ATL & hors media)
BtoG: business to Government
BtoR: Business to Retail
BYOD: Bring your own device (cf. CYOD)
CAC: Customer Acquisition Cost (ou cycle d’activité client ancêtre du parcours client)
CAD: communication audiovisuelle dynamique (cf. DOOH & digital signage)
CCO: Chief Customer Officer
CDC: Cahier des Charges
CDJ: customer digital Journey
CDO: Chief Digital Officer (ou Chief Data Officer)
CDN: content delivery network / réseau de diffusion de contenu (AKAMAI)
CDP: Customer Data Platform (It’s more than a DMP and CRM)
CEM: Customer Experience Management
CES: Customer Effort Score
CGI: Computer-generated imagery
CHO: Chief Happiness Officer
CLI: command line interface
CLV: Customer lifetime value
CM: Community Manager
CMI: Communication Marketing intégrée (IMC)
CMO: Chief Marketing Officer
CMS: Content management system
CNIL: Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté (cf. RGPD)
COOC: Corporate Open Online Course
COS: Cost Of Sale
CPA: collective performance et acquisition
CPA: Cost per action (or acquisition)
CPC: Cost per click: amount of money required to produce a single click (or Cost-per-Customer)
CPE : cost per engagement
CPCV: Cost per completed view (CPCV = Cost ÷ Completed Views)
CPL: Cost per lead
CPM: Cost per thousand (mille)
CPT: Cost-per-Transaction
CPV: Cost per view (see also PPV)
CR: Conversion rate
CRM: Customer relationship management
CRO: Conversion rate optimization
CSAT: Customer Satisfaction Score
CSR: Corporate social responsibility (RSE)
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
CTA: Call to action
CtoB: Customer to Business (cf. UGC)
CtoC: Customer to Customer
CTR: Click Through rate (number of click on an item/link)
CX: Customer experience (including UX)
CYOD: Choose Your Own Device (cf. BYOD)
D3.js: cf. DDD
DAO: Decentralized Autonomous Organization (holacratie)
DDD: Data Driven Document
DDDM: data-driven decision management
DDS: data-driven strategy
DL: Digital Learning
DM: Direct mail or Direct message sur Twitter
DMExCo: Digital marketing exposition and conference (Cologne, DE)
DMP: Data management platform
DNS: Domain name system (cf. ICANN & registrar)
DNVB: Digital Native Vertical Brand
DOOH: Digital Out Of Home (Digital Signage)
DL: Deep Learning
DR: Direct response
DRP: Disaster Recovery Plan (plan de reprise d'activité)
DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself
DS: Digital Signage (DOOH & CAD)
DSP: Demand Side platform (cf. SSP)
ECM: Enterprise Content Management
ECPM: Effective CPM
ECR: Efficient Consumer Response
EdTech: Education Technology
EII: Enterprise Information Integration
EMEA: Europe, Middle East Africa (116 countries)
EPC: Earnings per click
EPM: Earnings per thousand
EPM: Entreprise Performance Management
ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning (PGI)
ES: Executive Summary (RM)
ESB: Enterprise service bus
ESN: Entreprise de Services du Numérique (SSII)
ESN: Enterprise Social Network(ing)
ESP: Email Service Provider
ESS: économie sociale et solidaire
ET: Exit traffic
ETL: Extract Transform Load (or with -ing) for datas
FBX: FaceBook Ad Exchange
FGM: Feel Good Management
FMCG: Fast Moving Consumer Goods
FODM: Future of Digital Marketing by eConsultancy
FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out
FPD: First Party Data (cf. SPD et TPD)
FTP: File transfer protocol
GA: Google Analytics
GAFAMS: Google Amazon Facebook Apple Microsoft SalesForce (Alphabet)
GEM: Grenoble Ecole de Management
GESTE: Groupement des Editeurs de Contenus et Services en Ligne
GIT: logiciel de gestion de version créé par Linus Torvalds auteur de Linux
GRP: Gross Rating Points (TRP)
GDPR: general data protection regulation cf. RGPD
GO: langage de Google
GUI: graphical user interface
GWD: Google Web Design
H2H: human to human
H5: jeu codé en html5
HBR: Harward Business Review (à lire une fois)
HCI: Human–computer interaction
Hilo: hight impact learning organisation
HIPO: High Potential (Employee)
HIPPO: Highest Paid Person's Opinion
HK: hubert kratiroff
HNWI: High Net Worth Individuals
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
IA: Intelligence Artificielle (AI)
IAB: Interactive Advertising Bureau
IBL: Inbound Link
ICANN: Internet Corp. for Assigned Names & Numbers
ICO: initial Coin offering
IDC: International Data Corporation
IDFA: Identifier for advertisers, Apple's alternative to HTTP cookies on iOS et AAID
IHM: interactions Homme-machines
IIOT: industrial IOT
IM: Instant Messaging
IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol (pour envoi d’email)
IMC: integrated marketing communication
IMHO: In my humble opinion
InApp: display or purchase* into a mobile APP
InStream: ad into a video
IOT: internet of things
IxD: Interaction Design
IP: Internet Protocol (adress IPv4: cf. IPv6 IPng)
IPO: Initial Public Offering
IPTV: Internet television (cf. OTT)
IRL: In Real Life
IS: Income Statement
ISP: Internet service provider
IxD: design d’interaction
JS: JavaScript (.js)
JSON: JavaScript Object Notation {basededonnées}
KOL: Key Online Leader (Key Opinion Leader)
KHOL: Kering, Hermès, L'Oréal et LVMH (luxury GAFA à la française)
KPI: Key Performance Indicator
LAB126: Lab Amazon (A = 1 ; Z = 26) Kindle, Dash, Echo, SnowBall…
LAMP: Linux Apache MySql PHP
LMS: Learning Management System (Moodle)
LTV: Life Time Value
M3 : Modern Marketing Model
MarCom: marketing and communication
MarTech: Marketing Technology
MAU: monthly active users
MAQL: Multi-Dimension Analytical Query Language
MCA: market contact audit
MCN: multi chanel network (YouTube)
MQL: Marketing Qualified Leads (cf. SQL)
ML: Machine Learning
MLM: Multi Level marketing
MNO: mobile network operator
MMM: Modern Marketing Model
MOFU: Middle Of the Funnel cf. TOFU
MoMaMa: Modern Marketing Manifesto by eConsultancy (12 points) cf.M3
MOOC: Massive Open Online Course (COOC Corporate et SPOC Small Private)
MR: mixed reality cf. XR
MRM: Marketing Resource Management
MRR: monthly recurring revenue
MtoM: Machine To Machine
MVNO: Mobile Virtual Network Operator
MVP: Minimum Viable Product
MVT: Multi-variate testing (cf. AB Testing)
N-11: Next 11 countries to succeed BRICS (Bangladesh, Corée du Sud, Égypte, Indonésie, Iran, Mexique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Turquie et Viêt Nam)
NATU: Netflix Airbnb Tesla Uber (Booking, TripAdvisor, BlaBlaCar, Spotify…)
NBC: Net Brand Contribution
NBD: No Big Deal
NBIC: Nanotechnologie Biotechnologie Informatique (IOT & sciences de l’information) & sciences Cognitives (IA)
NPD: New product/brand development
NFC: near field communication
NLP: Natural Language Processing (cf. DP & AI)
NPS: Net Promoter Score [(9+10)-(6..0)]
NRF: National Retail Federation: biggest retail show
O2O: Online To Offline (et le contraire)
OI: listing email opt-in (OK)
OKR: Objectives and Key Results
OO: listing email opt-out (NO)
OODA: observe oriente decide act
OOO: out of office message
OS: Open Source / Operating System
OTR: Off The Record
OTS: Opportunity to See
OTT: Over The Top Television (cf. IPTV)
P2P: peer to peer (pair à pair)
PGI: Progiciel de gestion intégré (ERP)
PHP: Personal Home Page / Hypertext Preprocessor
PLA: Product Listing Ads (Google Adwords)
PM: private message
POC: Proof Of Concept
POESM: Paid Owned Earned Media (Shared)
POP: Post Office Protocol (email)
POS: Point of Sale/Purchase
PPC: Pay per click
PPL: Pay per lead
PPV: Pay per view
PR: PageRank (Public Relation)
PRA: plan de reprise d'activité (Disaster Recovery Plan)
PV: Page View
PWA: Progressive Web Apps from Google adopté par iOS12
QR Code: Quick response code
QS: Quality score
R: programming language for statistics
RA: Réalité Augmentée cf. Réalité Mixte (AR)
RACE: Reach Acquire Convert Engage (tunnel de conversion)
RCU: référentiel client unique (base du CRM ou de la CDP et du omnicanal)
RFI: Request for information
RFID: Radio Frequency Identification
RFM: Récence Fréquence Montant
RFM: recency frequency monetary
RFP: Request for proposal
RGPD: Règlement Général de Protection des Données
RLSA: remarketing lists for search ads (Google)
RML: Report Markup Langage (XML)
RTC: Réseau téléphonique commuté (ligne téléphonique fixe arrêtée en 2023)
ROAS: Return on Ad Spend
ROBO: Research Online Buy Offline
ROE: Return on Expectation
ROI: Return on investment
ROMI: Return on marcom investment
RON: Run of network
ROPO: Research Online Purchase Offline
ROR: Ruby on Rails
ROS: Run of site (ads can be placed on any area of a wartdelaventeite)
RPA: Robotic Process Automation (+ API)
RSE: Réseau Social d’Entreprise ou Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (CSR)
RLSA: Remarketing Lists for Search Ads
RSS: Really Simple Syndication
RT-CMO: Real Time Creative & Media Optimization
RT: Retweet
RTB: Real time bidding
RTD: Real time data
RTF: recommend to a friend AMEX KPI
RTIM: Real Time Interaction Management
RTM: Real Time Marketing
RV: Réalité Virtuelle (VR)
RWD: Responsive Web Design
SaaS: Software as a Service cf. PaaS, IaaS, DaaS Data, XaaS
SCM: software/source change management (GIT)
SCV: single customer view
SD: Service Design
SE Traffic: Search Engine Traffic
SEA: Search Engine Advertising
SEM: Search engine marketing
SEO: Search engine optimization
SERP: Search engine results page: a list of result appearing in response to a user search query
SFA: Sales Force Automation
SFD: Spécifications Fonctionnelles Détaillées
SFG: Spécifications Fonctionnelles Générales
SIMAC: Situation Idée Mécanisme Avantage Conclusion (méthode)
SKU: stock keeping unit (cf. UPC)
SLA: Service level agreement
SM: Social media
SMACS: Social Mobile Analytic Cloud Security
SMB: Small and Medium Business (PME + ETI)
SMM: Social media marketing / management
SMMS: Social media management software (Hootsuite, Sprinklr, Buffer)
SMO: Social media optimization
SMP: Social media platform
SMS: Short message service
SMTP: send message transfer protocol
SNCD: Syndicat National Communication Directe
SoLoMo: Social Local Mobile
SOSTAC: Situation Objectives Strategy Tactics Actions Control (méthode)
SOV: Share of voice
SPD: Second Party Data cf. FPD
SPOC: Small Private Online Course (cf. MOOC et COOC)
SQL: Sales Qualified Lead (cf. MQL)
SRI: Syndicat des régies internet
SSL: Secure Sockets Layer (cf. https)
SSP: Supply Side platform
STL: STéréoLithographe (fichier norme 3D print)
SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
SXO: Search Experience Optimization (new SEO)
TBD: to be discussed / done / determined
TCD: Tableau Croisée Dynamique (Pivot Table)
TCO: Total Cost of Ownership
TED: technologie entertainement design (ideas worth spreading)
TEDx: idem TED mais indépendent
TIL: Today I Learned
TLD: Top level domain (.com / .fr / .net)
TMS: Tag management system
TOFU: Top of Funnel
TOS: Terms of service
TPD: Third-Party Data cf. FPD
TRM: Total relationship management
TRP: Target Rating Point (GRP)
TT: Trending Topics (Twitter)
UBM: Unité de Bruit Médiatique (indice Kantar)
UCC: Unified Collaborative Communication cf. CCU
UDM: Unified Digital Measurement
UGC: User Generated Content
UI: User interface
UMIA: Unified Marketing Impact Analysis
UPC: Universal Product Code 12 digits barecode cf. SKU
URI: Uniform Ressource Identifier
URL: Uniform Ressource Locator unique address of digital content online
USP: Unique selling proposition by Rosser Reeves 1969 (mad man)
UV: Unique visitor
UX: User experience (cf. CX)
VC: Venture Capital
VCS: version contrôle system (e.g. GIT)
VM: Viral marketing
VOC: Voice of the customer
VOD: Video on demand
VP: value proposition
VR: Virtual Reality
VRM: Vendor Relationship Management
VU: Visiteur Unique
VUCA: Volatility, Uncertaintity, Complexity, Ambiguity
WAU: weekly active users
WOM: Word of Mouth
WOW: effet Waou
WTS: Web To Store (O2O)
WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get
XaaS: X as a Service SaaS PaaS IaaS
XML: Extensible Markup Language
XR: Extended / Cross / mixed Reality cf. VR AR MR
YOLO: You Only Live Once
ZMOT: Zero Moment of Truth
42: réponse universelle (Alan Turing) et école d'un tout nouveau type
404: lost traffic
4P / 7P / 5E / 6S / 4C/ 10i : différents Mix des années 60, 80, 95 depuis 2017 il faut viser le MoMaMa ou M3
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Chef de Produit - le livre (French)
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check list marketing
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Plan Marketing Digital 1 PAGE
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Plan Marketing Digital - 30 pages
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StoryBoard Vertical Portrait 1
StoryBoard Landscape 2
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